Blue Air and The Royal Family of Romania take our history to the sky, ENGLISH nr.172

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Blue Air and The Royal Family of Romania take our history to the sky

Blue Air celebrated 100 years since the creation of the modern state of Romania through launching an especially designed airplane. The new Boeing 737-800NG is decorated with the portrait of Ferdinand I, the second king of Romania, during whose time, in 1918, the Great Union took place at the end of the 1st World War. The new aircraft was launched in the presence of Princess Margaret, Custodian of The Crown, and HH Prince Radu, Marius Puiu – General Director of Blue Air and Tudor Constantinescu – Commercial Director of Blue Air.

We wish to pay homage to a great personality, 100 years after the victorious entry of King Ferdinand Ist and Queen Mary in Bucharest. It is a matter of pride for Blue Air to take the history of Romania to the sky!”- said Marius Puiu, CEO Blue Air.

MEGA-TRANZACTION at Silver Mountain

At the end of last year BCR Bank, the owner of Silver Mountain Complex in Poiana Brașov mountain resort, still had 132 unsold apartments in the luxury residential property above. BCR took the decision of giving them in operational rent to Bookingpedia – a move seen by the experts as the largest renting transaction on the hotel market in Romania.

Bookingpedia rented the apartments from BCR for a good price for both parties. They converted the apartments in a hotel. We are happy to have successfully ended this transaction and I am convinced that having a professionist hotel operator in Silver Mountain will be a great example of good practices for other investors and for the banking sector” said Mircea Draghici, Managing Partner EST Hospitality, the consultant of the transaction. The holiday apartment’s complex in Poiana Brasov will have a 4 stars hotel rating.

Together in travel

The Minister of Tourism in Romania, Bogdan Trif, and The Minister of Economy and Infrastructure of Republic of Moldova, Chiril Gaburici, has signed the Agreement between The Government of Romania and The Government of Republic of Moldova regarding the cooperation in the travel sector.

Both Moldova and Romania have a great tourism potential at this moment. We share the same history and the same cultural values so this agreement is born from the belief that we can have a common future too. Romania is engaged in making all the necessary efforts in supporting The Republic of Moldova in keeping its European trajectory, tourism being a domain that can accelerate this venture with positive results on both sides of the Prut River” – said Minister Trif. The agreement has in mind accelerating the cooperation in travel also through creating projects that can be sustained financially by the European Union.

RESTART – Lido by Phoenicia

The end of January has seen the long awaited reopening of the Lido Hotel in Bucharest. The remaking and modernization of the historical location took over two years and a firsthand investment of about 5 million euro. The unit is branded Lido by Phoenicia and belongs to the Phoenicia Hotels. Lido has 120 rooms that invite you to explore the flavour of the 1930,s in Romania. It showcases two restaurants – Restaurant Lido and Lido’s Brasserie & Bar, two conference halls, fitness and massage rooms etc. ”The second development plan sees the construction of a swimming pool and a third stage will bring a complex of 100 appartments besides the hotel. The total investment will be of about 15 million euro” – said Mohammad Murad, owner of Phoenicia Hotels .

The Lido Complex was built by the Romanian doctor Constantin Angelescu, between 1905 and 1930, having as an architect the famous at the time French Ernest Doneaud. It comprises the hotel itself and The Monteoru House. Lido is located in the heart of the Capital City, opposite to another historical Hotel Ambasador, and in the vicinity of the Romanian Atheneum, Royal Palace or Revolution Square.

Câmpulung Moldovenesc – biggest sky slope in Romania

În Northern Romania, Suceava County, opened the largest sky slope in the country at Câmpulung Moldovenesc . The slope, located in Rarau mountains is 3 kilometers long, has an artificial snow unit, a gondola that can carry 1000 people per hour, parking etc.

We have managed to finish one of the biggest goals of tourism in Bucovina area and in Romania! I hope that tourists will enjoy to the full this new facility. The Ministry of Tourism has financed this objective and the local authorities implemented it. Tourists need all these investments to function without failure, to be well maintained and permanently developped” – said Minister of Tourism, Bogdan Trif.


Expoziției Boulevard area in Bucharest, having in its vicinity Romexpo exhibitional centre, several banks, office buildings and four hotels, is becoming more and more attractive for Romanian investors.

The Niro group of companies, controlled by Nicolae Dumitru, is already building a 4 stars hotel, to be finalized in 2021. According to Florin Suicescu, vicepresident of Niro Investment, the complex will offer 250 rooms, business style. „ We intend to get affiliated to an international chain of hotels but we have not taken the final decision yet” – said Suicescu.

The former tennis player now business man Ion Țiriac is also expanding the business in the area – as sources from the market comment-, projecting a complex that will include living areas, offices, shops, a show room and a hotel.

About Traveller Magazin

REVISTA TRAVELLER MAGAZIN MARIAN CONSTANTINESCU – Redactor Şef Marian Constantinescu s-a născut pe 24 aprilie 1953, în Bucureşti. Absolvent al Liceului “Aurel Vlaicu” (1972). Licenţiat în ziaristică. A lucrat la Agerpres, Tineretul Liber, Curierul Naţional, Ziua, ocupând poziţii de la redactor, şef departament, redactor şef până la director de promovare. A publicat poezie, proză, comentarii literare, în revistele: România Literară, Luceafărul, Contemporanul, Convorbiri Literare, Cronica, Vatra, Săptămâna, Flacăra, Suplimentul literar artistic al Scânteii Tineretului etc.
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