About Traveller Magazin

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What is “Traveller Magazin”?

– The new concept came on the market in April 2004. The publication is being promoted as “The magazine of the hospitality industry in Romania”. The brand is registered in OSIM with no. 061223 and has the slogan “Professionals recognize professionals!”

TRAVELLER MAGAZIN is a monthly magazine, A4 format, full-color, having from 24 to 32 pages, plus 4 covers. The circulation has been targeted at 10.000 readers. The distribution works on pre-paid subscription basis (5 RON/copy, 60 RON per year). The magazine is offered promotionally only inside marketing and events partnerships (tourism fairs, work-shops, congresses).

TRAVELLER MAGAZIN covers the communication segments between the public and private domains. The magazine addresses especially to the travel industry producers, in Romania or elsewhere, working in: hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, tourism schools and universities, consultancy, aerial carriers, rent-a-car, all passenger transporters etc. It is being distributed so far in public institutions, embassies, world and European organizations, banks, financial investments and insurance companies. The publication has a large addressability due to its two English pages, where the novelties of the months are related.

TRAVELLER MAGAZIN targets the business-travel sector, consolidating on one hand the hotel industry, and on the other hand travel and connection services. The publication ties and unites through its information, the professional travel and tourism organizations and associations, being them local or regional ones.

WHAT DOES IT CONTAIN?– The main theme sections of the magazine are: Editorial, Events, Hotel, Travel, Focus, First plan, Rediscover Romania, On the globe, Library, Shop etc. Next to them come analysis and debates pages as: Signal, Accent, On show now, Tomorrow news, Tendencies, Transactions. Statistics and forecasts are being periodically presented and commented by specialists of different organizations: WTO, WTTC, ASTA, IATA, CECTA, UFTAA, ECTAA, IH&RA, PATA, US TRAVEL ASSOCIATION.

TRAVELLER MAGAZIN inserts in its pages national and international destinations, with an accent on genuine Romanian world class products. The articles stress out promoters of valuable ideas or actions, success business in tourism, values of the cultural, historical and ecological patrimony, our recommendations coming only after on spot research and documentation.