BLUE AIR – will have the first Boeing 737 MAX in Romania, ENGLISH VERSION nr.160-161

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At the Paris Air Show 2017, the Romanian carrier Blue Air ordered its first six Boeing 737 MAX 8 airplanes. Blue Air will also rent other six Boeing 737 MAX 8 and six 737-800 Next Generation from Air Lease Corporation. Gheorghe Răcaru, General Director of Blue Air, said with this occasion: „Blue Air has a long and rich history in operating the best sold plane model Boeing 737. The order we placed with Boeing and the additional planes we will use from our strategic partner Air Lease Corporation, add up to 20 super-modern planes that our clients will be able to enjoy. Boeing 737 MAX will help shape the future of Blue Air, allowing us to fly towards new destinations, on longer stretches, maintaining lower costs all together.”

„We are happy to say that Blue Air is the first Romanian client for the 737 MAX. This type of planne is ideal for Blue Air and the market it serves, increasing the income but also the performance” – said at his turn Monty Oliver, European Sales Vicepresident of Boeing Commercial Airplanes.

EFORIE SUD: The Casino becomes Hotel

The historical building of the Casino in Eforie Sud, one of the Romanian resorts at the Black Sea, is a beautiful example of the Art Deco style. Built by Arta Cerchez, between 1931and 1935, the place is ready to come back to life, after a major restauration, as a hotel.

The ground floor envisages a reataurant and an events hall, first floor will be redesigned to host some rooms, bar and library, while the second and third floors will be taken by rooms only. As special features the hotel will have touch-orientation map at the entry, and special markings on the floors, for visually impared guests. The hotel will also use a solar plant for the heating of water.

NĂVODARI: Phoenicia Royal plays Premium

The Phoenicia Group opened this summer its first 5 stars hotel. Phoenicia Royal is located in Mamaia Nord-Năvodari area and offers și 144 rooms (including apartments and penthouses with terraces of 130 scuare meters). Each floor has its own Swedish style buffet.

According to the owner Mohammad Murad, the total investment surpases 7 million euro. ”I have noticed that the Romanian seaside is far from covering the requests on the premium segment. This last investment is looking to offer superior quality services, comparable with those in foreign destinations” – said Murad.


Romanian GOLD and SILVER in Debrecen
Over1000 artifacts made out of precious metals, bearing a great historical value, that have been discovered in Romania during the last 200 years, have been gathered in an unique exhibition by the National History Museum of Romania. Seen by visitors arround the country (Timişoara, Oradea, Satu-Mare, Sibiu, Cluj-Napoca, Târgu Mureş, Alba Iulia, Buzău, Craiova, Iaşi, Constanţa, Piatra Neamţ, Suceava, Bârlad, Galați) it is now presented for the first time at international level, in Hungary – as explained by dr. Ernest Oberländer-Târnoveanu, General Director of  the National History Museum of Romania. The „Déri” Museum in Debrecen (Hungary) is hosting the exhibition „Antic Romanian Gold and Silver” from July 12th to October 15th 2017.

RYANAIR partners Oktoberfest Brașov
The low cost carrier Ryanair and Oktoberfest Brașov entered a partnership that aims promoting regional travel – by attracting an yearly  2,5 million visitors from Ireland, UK  and elswhere, to Romania. The Capital city of Romania – Bucharest is connected by two flights a day with London Stansted and with Dublin with 5 flights per week. From there the travellers can easily reach Brasov – the gateway to Transilvania – by train, bus or car.

“We are very happy with the partnership with Oktoberfest Brașov. It is a great initiative to support Romanian travel as guests coming from Ireland and UK will be invited to fly Ryanair and discover this beautiful city in the Carpathian Mountains” – said Denis Barabas, Ryanair Sales & Marketing Executive România. At his turn Cristian Macedonschi, one of the leaders of The Association for the Promotion and Development of Tourism in Brasov County, said : “Oktoberfest Brașov reached its 9th edition and it is the most important event of this kind in the country. This year will take place September 7th to 17th and we hope to host over 8.000 travelers from UK.”

Vox Maris reinvented in COSTINEȘTI
The Vox Maris Grand Resort in Costineşti, on the Romanian Black Sea Coast, opened this year with a new vision, themed evenets and offers for a large array of guests. „Vox Maris is the only resort that, due to its facilities, addresses all potential cathegories of clients. The in house Club only sits 3500 people per night. Besides Romanian guests Vox Maris will receive this season groups from Israel and Poland and many individuals from other coutries” – said Bogdan Achiţei, marketing director of the 4 stars complex. Built 57 years ago on a 7 hectars area Vox Maris offers villas with a 400 rooms capacity, a conference centre with 11 halls, a fitness club, tennis court, 3 pools for adults and one for kids, a parking for about 500 cars etc.

About Traveller Magazin

REVISTA TRAVELLER MAGAZIN MARIAN CONSTANTINESCU – Redactor Şef Marian Constantinescu s-a născut pe 24 aprilie 1953, în Bucureşti. Absolvent al Liceului “Aurel Vlaicu” (1972). Licenţiat în ziaristică. A lucrat la Agerpres, Tineretul Liber, Curierul Naţional, Ziua, ocupând poziţii de la redactor, şef departament, redactor şef până la director de promovare. A publicat poezie, proză, comentarii literare, în revistele: România Literară, Luceafărul, Contemporanul, Convorbiri Literare, Cronica, Vatra, Săptămâna, Flacăra, Suplimentul literar artistic al Scânteii Tineretului etc.
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