In TOP 10 most welcoming countries, ENGLISH VERSION no. 173

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Romania was introduced by in its list of 10 most welcoming countries in the world for 2019. The ranking is based on a study showing the number of awarded properties amongst the total number of hosting facilities of a destination. Romania sits in the top 10 next to Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, New Zeeland, Taiwan, Hungary, Ireland, Serbia and Greece. has about 17.000 employees in 70 countries and intermediates travel services in 229 countries and territories. This year the site evaluated 759.845 properties in 219 countries and territories.

Blue Air sold 10% to Zeitfracht

Blue Air, the largest Romanian carrier, now shares 10% of its social capital with the German Group Zeitfracht. Negotiations started end of 2018, transfer documents being signed on December 12th and all legal procedures being finalized at the beginning of February 2019. „With a large experience in aviation, logistics, investments and consultancy, Zeitfracht is a family business with a 70 years old history. We trust that the values and expertize of the German group will complete the development strategy of Blue Air” – said the representatives of the Romania carrier.

During 14 year of flights Blue Air transported over 26 million passengers (over 5 million only last year), being nowadays a major player in its field.

GUIDING for visually challenged guests

The National History Museum of Romania, located in Bucharest – Old City area, announced the introducing of a unique guiding system in the country, especially designed for visually challenged guests. The dotted explanations on the pannels will be read with a special „magic wand” that will transmit the current location of the reader to an app on the mobile phone. The GPS of the phone locates the reader and the app can offer a preregistered explanatory message for the object or area of the museum. The new guiding system is a creation of Brother Intelleg Transilvania Srl. It has been donated to the public institution by Lions Club Burebista – Bucharest, Lions Club for Family – Timișoara, The Lions Clubs of District 124 and the company Brother Intelleg Transilvania.

About Traveller Magazin

REVISTA TRAVELLER MAGAZIN MARIAN CONSTANTINESCU – Redactor Şef Marian Constantinescu s-a născut pe 24 aprilie 1953, în Bucureşti. Absolvent al Liceului “Aurel Vlaicu” (1972). Licenţiat în ziaristică. A lucrat la Agerpres, Tineretul Liber, Curierul Naţional, Ziua, ocupând poziţii de la redactor, şef departament, redactor şef până la director de promovare. A publicat poezie, proză, comentarii literare, în revistele: România Literară, Luceafărul, Contemporanul, Convorbiri Literare, Cronica, Vatra, Săptămâna, Flacăra, Suplimentul literar artistic al Scânteii Tineretului etc.
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