Bucharest on CNN, ENGLISH VERSION nr.162-163

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The Old City lanes, the Palace of Parliament, the concerts at the Romanian Athenaeum, the Stavropoleos Church and the Carusel Library are some of the sights of Bucharest – the Capital of Romania – that took the heart of a journalist of the American CNN.
Marissa Tejada found the city fascinating and published a hearty on-line review with some of the following lines: “At first glance, the architecture is dizzying, but it’s a fascinating mix. Between the dreary Communist-era apartment blocks are Byzantine buildings, centuries’ old churches and Art Nouveau mansions that stand out as the survivors of earthquakes, war and communism. Look more closely at one of the most promising capitals in the European Union and further charms will be revealed (…) There are pristine city parks, excellent museums and gritty yet charming lanes that weave through the Old Town. Once the palatial residence of Wallachian princes, including Vlad Tepes, otherwise known as Vlad the Impaler who inspired Bram Stoker’s tale of Dracula, the Old Princely Court has always had royal connections.”

MASTERCARD – TOP 44 hidden treasures of Europe

In order to facilitate unforgettable holiday experiences Mastercard publishes on a yearly basis the TOP 44 hidden treasures of Europe. Romania is nomineed on 14 with the Danube Delta. The first position is held by Asturias, a region in northern Spain with accesible prices and a spectacular sight as the Covadonga monastery. Next is the medieval city of Zebugg in Malta, followed by the Salzkammergut area in Austria, praised for the Hallstatt Lake. This unique list of recommendations is based on the research of Mastercard on the spendings of the users of the card. It is a usefull tool to compare the attractivity of the destinations accordind to the offer of sights , costs and confort offered” said Adam Blake, the prsident of the Travel Research Centre of the Bournemouth University.

CLUJ NAPOCA has the 1st Street Food

”Street Food Revolution” is the name of the 1st Street Food Association in Romania. It was founded in the city of Cluj Napoca, one of the richest in tastes cities of Transilvania. This year the city hosted the second edition of The Street Food Festival too.
”We made a normal step ahead in 2017. Since our first contacts with street-food chefs we have discovered their wish to grow, to show how creative they can be and, most importantly, theyr desire to offer to the public unique tasty experiences” said Călin Câmpean, president of Street Food Revolution and Commercial Manager of Street Food Festival.

CARAIMAN: A make-up of the Heroes Monument

The spring of 2018 will see the start of the works on modernizing the monumental cross on Caraiman Mountain in the Romanian Carpathians. The project includes developing a modern, digitalized exhibition, and, according to the officials from the Ministry of National Defense it all should be ready in one year time.
The Heroes Monument Caraiman Cross, built in 1930s, is located on the Caraiman peak, at 2291 meters altitude. Its height is of 39,3 meters and the opening of the lateral wings measures 15 meters. In 2013 the Cross was declared by the Guiness Book of Records the tallest cross in the world located on a mountain peak. It can be reached from Busteni resort, Prahova Valley, by cable car and then walking the mountain trail.

CONSTANȚA: Challenge on the beach

Starting the summer of 2018 Constanța (on the Romanian Black Sea Coast) might be the first city in Europe to have a beach especially designed for phisically and psichically challenged guests. The project belongs to Adrian Gemănaru, a Romanian doctor nomineed at The World Autism Festival for his special recovery therapies, created for autistic children and not only. There will be a 22.000 scuare meters of beach, with and opening of 200 meters to the sea, redesigned as a therapeutic park. It will showcase diffrent areas for sun-beds (100 seats), 1.000 people capacity for towels, access ramps, an events scene, a Relax Garden, two playgrounds, areas for visual, senzorial and auditive stimulation, a pottery workshop, floating mobile seats and first aid unit.
The project needs 100000 euros, and in order to raise that amount 1.500 people will be running for 24 hours, in Mamaia resort, in may 2018, to promote the project. This will be the second edition of The „24 hours Run for Autism Black Sea”, organized by Adrian Gemanaru.

DoubleTree in Cluj-Napoca

The City Plaza hotel in Cluj-Napoca became DoubleTree by Hilton. The brand conversion meant a full or partial make-over of all the areas of the hotel. The 40 rooms of the eastern wing saw a complete remaking, while the rest of 44 in the western wing a partial one. A fresh touch was given to the Marco Polo restaurant, the Reception area, the Venezia and Beijing event rooms, to the Salute Per Aqua SPA and the Ballroom. An estimated 1 million Euros where allotted for the conversion to the DoubleTree by Hilton.

About Traveller Magazin

REVISTA TRAVELLER MAGAZIN MARIAN CONSTANTINESCU – Redactor Şef Marian Constantinescu s-a născut pe 24 aprilie 1953, în Bucureşti. Absolvent al Liceului “Aurel Vlaicu” (1972). Licenţiat în ziaristică. A lucrat la Agerpres, Tineretul Liber, Curierul Naţional, Ziua, ocupând poziţii de la redactor, şef departament, redactor şef până la director de promovare. A publicat poezie, proză, comentarii literare, în revistele: România Literară, Luceafărul, Contemporanul, Convorbiri Literare, Cronica, Vatra, Săptămâna, Flacăra, Suplimentul literar artistic al Scânteii Tineretului etc.
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